Here's a sampling of the objects I've created with my program Vertex. The example objects are in both lightwave (lwob) and imagine formats. Here's a quick run down on how I made them: Lighter I made this object with the basic tools - lathes, scaling, duplicating, and a basic sphere. I then distorted the sphere with the randomize funtion. Plant I made the plant by starting with a simple triangle. I then subdivided the triangle about 4 or 5 times, then used the new gravity tool to pinch it in towards the center. Then I deleted the clump of points in the center, duplicated and rotated a few times, and added a sphere on the top. I neat trick on this object is to load it into Vertex and use the "Select Exterior" command. Only the edges of the leaves will be selected, and they can then be moved, which is exactly how I made the leaves bend at the edges. Super Bike This is probably my most detailed object donw with Vertex yet. I wish I had more time to invest in it. Everything was made with extruded edges, which had the same curve applied to them, and some lathes. Now I just have to go in and clean it up and put more detail in. Towers Again, basic lathe stuff, and some scaling to the top "ornament" stuff. Half the base was created at first, then it was duplicated and mirrored (scaling by -1), and then overlay-fused together. The Art Machine This is the logo for my company. A simple collection of lathed parts and extrusions, and an example of what the bevel function can do. Temple I've always had an interest in greek/roman architecture. This is a simple object, but I think I got the proportions where I want them. I'd like to some day put some kind of statues or something on the 4 gables. Wave This is simply a lathed object with a math formula applied to it. The formula was Z=COS(SQR(X*X+Y*Y)*2)*10.